Wednesday 4 October 2017

My 4 October Goals

Hey guys! So sorry for the lack of posts recently. As I warned previously, I've been super busy settling into uni again and I've barely had chance to concentrate on writing posts. Hopefully now I can get back on track and get two posts out a week again. To kick things off I am going to start off with a few goals for the month. 

1. Get back into blogging

So after my brief break, it's time to get back into regular blogging. I am going to try and set some time dedicated to creating posts and coming up with good content for you all. 

2. Start assignments 

So I am in my final year and the work is already overwhelming. I want to get assignments started as soon as possible so I can spread out the work load. 

3. Learn to cook

I want to learn to cook some new and exciting things, so I can start cooking more for my loved ones. I've got some recipes saved from my Jamie Oliver cook book ready!

4. Celebrate the Halloween month

Halloween is actually one of my favourite time of year, so I can't wait to celebrate it. I am going to London Comic Con during Halloween weekend and I can't wait to do some cool Halloween makeup for the Tuesday. 


So 3/4 isn't bad, right? 

Move Successfully - SUCCESS
Enjoy Freshers - SUCCESS
Work Hard - SUCCESS
Go to the Gym - FAIL

Love Rebecca Ashley x


  1. What a lovely inspiring post babe! Loved the tips. And how exciting that you're going to the London comic con for halloween! Hope you show us what you're outfit is! xx Imogen


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